Things to Know Before You Book a Family Planning Clinic in Toowoomba

Talking to a health care practitioner about starting a family is always recommended. Maybe you want to prepare yourself before getting pregnant and want to have a routine check-up. Perhaps you have possible risk factors or infertility symptoms.

Even if you do not plan to get pregnant anytime soon, you may have concerns about your biological clock.
These are the reasons why you want to go to a family planning clinic in Toowoomba — discussing your needs and concerns with your gynecologist before conceiving is the first step in having a healthy pregnancy. Your gynecologist is always ready to help and can properly guide you. Here are some things you should keep in mind before you book an appointment.

Bring Your Partner

If possible, if you are planning to conceive, it is helpful for both you and your partner to meet the health care practitioner in person. Your gynecologist may want to learn more about your partner’s health as well. Your partner might have questions or concerns too. Hence personal consultations and one-to-one interactions can be beneficial.


Discuss Stopping Birth Control Measures

If you are taking birth control, let the physician know about it. Most birth control plans allow you to try and conceive as soon as you stop taking them, but others may need more time. Your gynecologist is the best person to give you the necessary guidance on this.


Ask about Supplements and Lifestyle Changes.

Vitamins are not only for patients who are pregnant. Like folic acid (or folate), some supplements must be taken before you start trying to get pregnant. How much folic acid you should take may depend on the patient’s medical history.

Most prenatal vitamins include sufficient amounts of folic acid, ideal for women who are trying to conceive.
Consult your gynecologist and find out if there are any lifestyle changes you should make. In addition, you might want to ask questions, which are:
• Are you at a healthy weight for pregnancy?
• Can you keep drinking coffee?
• Should you replace the products you use on your body or at home?
• Should you quit smoking?
• Is your diet adequate? Are you meeting the suggested amounts of nutrients and vitamins?


Ask about all Your Options.

Most couples are waiting to start families after the age of 35. If you are concerned about your fertility options, talk to your gynecologist about them now. Fertility rates decline as you age. However, not everyone will have difficulty conceiving.


Get a List of Your Medications.

Some medications are not safe while you are pregnant. So you may want to stop taking them before trying to get pregnant, while others might be okay to take up until you get pregnant.
Some medications can interfere with fertility, and you should consult with your doctor about all the medicines you are currently taking.

Hooper Medical Centre is a renowned medical service provider, offering medical guidance, support, and services at an affordable price. Book an appointment today.